
A Week In The Life of A Water Safety Instructor

In a pre-COVID 19 work schedule I was always at the pool. I would work five days a week and often substitute for other instructors to teach swim lessons or coach on my days off. I would attend school during the day and work in the afternoons and evenings during the week. I also worked…

Why I Became A Water Safety Instructor

Going on vacations every summer to the beach, living my summer at the neighborhood pool, and being a twelve-year competitive swimmer were some of my first connections to the love of being in the water. My first real job was working at Water Country USA which is Virginia’s largest waterpark. After a few years working…

Tips & Tricks on How to Master Certain Skills in Swimming

Swimming can be a challenging life-skill/sport to learn. You are challenging yourself, moving your body in different forms, overcoming fears, and if you think another sport is hard, try doing it while holding your breath. As a twelve-year competitive swimmer and now a water safety instructor I have three tips and tricks to master skills…

The Rules of Swimming

Today I am going over the rules of swimming. I teach these rules on the first and last day of swim lessons to educate my students on water safety. Most rules are the same at any pool you go to but certain rules can differ from one another. It is important to understand all rules…

Learning The Butterfly

We are onto the last stroke to learn! This stroke is called the butterfly and it can be intimidating to learn after watching someone swim it. This was one of my best strokes when I swam during my competitive league timeline. If an eight-year-old can swim one to two laps in a race, I am…

Learning The Breaststroke

In the last two blog posts, I explained how to learn the freestyle and backstroke. This time we are going to learn how to swim the breaststroke! This can also be called the “frog” stroke and you will find out why later on. I always introduce the breaststroke as the third stroke to learn because…

Learning The Back Crawl

In the last blog post, I taught you how to swim the freestyle – front crawl. Now it is time to turn to our backs and learn the back crawl! Another name for this stroke is called the backstroke. This stroke can be more difficult to learn because you are doing it while on your…

Learning The Front Crawl

One of the first strokes you learn as a swimmer and the most common is the freestyle – front crawl. This is the easiest stroke to learn because it is the simplest. You are using both of your arms and legs. This is how to learn from the beginning stage. Technique is not important right…

Ways to Learn to Swim – Places to Go

Where there is water, there is a way! You can learn to swim at many different locations. These locations vary from outdoor – public areas, private pools, and aquatic facilities. If you are a brand new or a inexperienced swimmer then I recommend going to an aquatic facility to learn from a properly trained and…

Reasons to Learn How to Swim

Seventy one percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water. You come into contact with some form of water every day. This can be in the bathroom, the rain outside, natural disasters like flooding and tsunamis, and going to a water source like the pool, water park, river, lake, and the beach. With so…


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